We have the honor that the president of our federation will represent Macedonia at the upcoming World Combat Games 2023, which this year will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The significance of this participation is equal to the participation of any athlete in the Olympic Games, and the fact that Macedonia is sending aikido participants to the World Combat Games for the first time makes this of historical significance.
Dear friends,
After almost 15 years of dedicated practice and work on the promotion and the development of Aikido in Macedonia, the Macedonian Aikido Federation - Aikikai Macedonia has finally received its Official Recognition from the Aikido World Headquarters - Aikikai Foundation in Japan.
We express our great excitement for this recognition and would like to stress out that we feel it as a responsibility to further work hard and make more and more contribution to the world of aikido.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to:
- Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba for his life dedicated to Aikido and his efforts to show us the direction,
- Michele Quaranta shihan for the selfless teaching and sharing his great knowledge and experience.
We have had generous help and support from so many people that we exchanged our energies on the tatami with, through mutual practice, that the list would be really long for this announcement! I would just like to also thank those who tried to make obstacles on our way, for they truly made us stronger and, in many ways, better than yesterday!
This is a historical moment - a milestone. One of many to come!
Our passion continues!
Damjan Cingarski
President of Macedonian Aikido Federation - Aikikai Macedonia
The representatives of the Macedonian Aikido Federation - Aikikai Macedonia were hosted yesterday by the ambassador of Japan in Macedonia, her Excellency madam Keiko Haneda.
At the meeting we presented our development throughout the years and our future plans. The ambassador showed great interest in our activities and expressed her readiness for support in the future.
We are thankful for the warm welcome and looking forward to the fruitful mission of Her Excellency in our country!
A small delegation from Macedonian Aikido Federation - Aikikai Macedonia was attending the seminar in Cluj, Romania for the occasion of 20 years Anniversary of the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation. At the seminar, the lessons were given by:
1. Aikikai Hombu Dojo-cho Mitsuteru Ueshiba, waka-sensei,
2. Ulf Evans shihan,
3. Kei Izawa sensei,
4. Wilko Wriesman sensei,
5. Michele Quaranta shihan
We are thankful for the perfect organization and the warm welcome of our Romanian friends!
From September 26 to October 2 in Takasaki, Japan, the 12th Congress of the International Aikido Federation (IAF) took place. Our federation participated in the congress and held important meetings with senior officials of the new IAF board, deepening the established relations and confirming the position for future membership in the IAF. More details of the Congress participation, soon.
This years 26th Kagamibiraki ended with many new dan rankings for aikidokas all over the globe, but we would like to specially congratulate two teachers, who are very good friends of the Macedonian Aikido Federation: Mario Cerny from Slovakia got his 5th Dan, and Edward Germanov sensei got his 6th Dan. Domo arigato gozaimasu for your efforts in teaching us! We wish you bright future.
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Mario Cerny sensei |
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Edward Germanov sensei |
str. Nikola Tesla 2/2-26, Skopje, 1000, Macedonia
dummy+389 (70) 764066
dummy+389 (2) ******
dummy office@aikikai.org.mk
Receiver: Aikikai MKD - Skopje
Address: Nikola Tesla 2/2-26 Skopje
Bank: Komercijalna banka AD - Skopje
Account no: 300000002348115